Managing Product Quality (Established Organizations)

If quality management has not been formalized in your organization, the following training session would be an appropriate starting point for this undertaking. Whether your company offers efficiency of delivery, best possible design or after-sales service, it would be important to manage the quality of product or service you provide.


Quality Management Tools

-          Overview of models that could be used in quality management

-          How to identify which model is appropriate for your organization


Major steps in quality improvement:

-          Identify customer requirements and conduct capability check

-          Analyze current situation and identify cost factors

-          Select product or service for quality improvement

-          Determine operational KPIs and conduct benchmarking studies

-          Evaluate customer and team’s experience

-          Define quality improvement plan and identify appropriate measurement systems

-          Evaluate progress and measure KPIs actual versus budget

The workshop should combine theory and practice and your team should have most of the steps above completed by the end of the training session.



-          Budget types and different approaches to budgeting

-          Zero-based budgeting

-          Materials Requirement Planning



Eurasia International: Total Quality Management in the Shipping Industry….


This case gives an account of how a ship management company was able to embrace a culture of continuous improvement while the shipping industry was being regulated. It had to convince ship owners that it would preserve their valuable assets and maximize revenue-earning potential.


This course has been suggested by AllaVolodina who teaches in university and corporate settings. Alla has developed a variety of training outlines, as well course outlines for various institutions (e.g. York University). Check out AllaVolodina blog for more articles:



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